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Formal Wedding photos at Lord Thompson Manor

Wedding Party Photographs at Lord Thompson Manor

What I look for in finding the best location for formal wedding party and family photographs

After hundreds of weddings, I have been in all sorts of situations for family and wedding party photographs. There are a few things that make the best images - here's what I look for:

  • Soft, even light that will compliment faces and fabrics. This day was overcast and hazy, making it even more important to use the subtle changes in shadows from trees and the building to create flattering light on my subjects.
  • A clean backdrop. I love how this tree frames the family, and there is actually a window a/c unit in that window behind them which I intentionally hid with people.
  • evenly spaced people
  • Flowers all held at the same height
  • A final check for ties, shirts, boutonnières - anything that is crooked, wrinkled, or out of place needs to be fixed for these very important images!

Location: 286 Thompson Hill Road, Thompson CT.

All images and text ©2005-2024 Jessica McHale Photography.